Please activate you Cadet 365/TEAMS account as soon as possible.
Cadet365 is the primary method of communication between Cadets and Squadron Staff. It is important that all cadets initialize and regularly check their Teams account as well as review other valuable information within Cadet365. A functioning Teams account is required for Ground School as well as sign ups for other activities. (Getting started) (password assistance)
All communication regarding Cadet365 must include cadets full name and rank along with their non-cadet email so we can send them the updated passwords.
If you are having trouble with your account, please email
CAVEAT – This is the official website of the civilian Sponsoring Committee for 700 David Hornell VC Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets. It is maintained to provide information for serving and prospective Cadet members of 700 Squadron and their families. It is not a website of the Department of National Defence. Squadron proprietary information and photographs may not be used.