700 Squadron strives to provide the youth of North and Central Etobicoke and Weston with opportunities to develop their interests in aviation and to acquire skills to help them become confident and contributing members of society. As we currently do not charge the cadets any annual fees to provide this program we ask for your help to achieve these goals by supporting the Squadron in a variety of ways: DONATIONS, PURCHASING 50/50 TICKETS, ATTEND CHARITY BINGO, BECOME A SPONSOR or A VOLUNTEER.
DONATIONS to support the Squadron can be made through a variety of convenient methods:
- Donate with a cash payment or cheque made payable to “700 David Hornell VC Squadron Sponsoring Committee” and give it to the Squadron Treasurer, with your name, address and telephone number and you will receive a donation receipt that can be used to reduce your taxes.
- Donate using electronic or Interac funds transfer online from your bank by sending your donation to 700ssc.treasurer@gmail.com along with your name, address, telephone number and email address. You will receive a donation receipt that can be used to reduce your taxes.
- Donate using a credit card by using the Canada Helps website icon below. Canada Helps will issue your donation receipt (on behalf of the Squadron) immediately.
MONTHLY 50/50 DRAWS operated by the Ontario Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada help raise funds for the program. The Squadron will benefit from some of the proceeds if you buy tickets to these monthly draws. You can easily purchase tickets for these monthly draws by visiting the link below. Make sure you select “700 David Hornell VC Weston” upon checkout as the squadron you wish to support.
ATTEND CHARITY BINGO Every time you enjoy a fun night out at Delta Charity Bingo and Gaming at 1868 Wilson Avenue you are supporting 700 Squadron as one of its affiliated charities.
SPONSORS such as individuals or corporations wishing to provide significant support to the Squadron in the form of funds, use of facilities, provision of services or other tangible resources are recognized in various ways, including on this website. Our current Sponsors include:
ACA Consulting
John Adedapo
ANCAN Construction
Dr. Boeriu Professional Corporation
Harshad Bavederkar
Cathy Cozma
Elwood Technology
David and Helena Evans
EWAR Construction
Mary Sue Miller
MMM Services/Mariana Tanase
R and N Panait
Gurpreet Pharr
Richard Perfect
Basilio Prataviera
PLK Accounting & Finance
Maria Corina Romanisin
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 286
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 31
U and R Urac
Zemeno Vazquez
2762583 Ontario Inc.
VOLUNTEER your time and skills by joining the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). The SSC is comprised of community members, parents of current or retired cadets and is responsible for raising funds, operating the regular training night canteen, purchasing equipment and other materials, arranging transportation and facilities for cadet activities, providing meals where appropriate, etc. Bring your skills and enthusiasm to the team to help us make the cadet experience as enriching as possible.
If you are only able to provide occasional help then perhaps you could assist with short-time commitment tasks, such as driving cadets during TAGGING weekends, attending charity bingo sessions as an ambassador of the Squadron or reaching out to potential sponsors to ask for their support.
Please speak to a sponsoring committee member if you are able to help. (Note: All volunteers undergo an application process that involves security screening steps.)
Our current sponsoring committee members are:
Chair: John Grassby
Vice Chair: Juliana Trichilo Cina
Treasurer: Val Esposito
Secretary: Marian Dahanaggamaarachchi
Bingo Volunteers: Maria Godin, Bob Soja, Dinesh and Marian Dahanaggamaarachchi, David Miller, John Grassby, Val Esposito
Canteen Coordinators: Janice Mancini and Mariana Tanase
Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator: Olga Kunyckyj
Member at Large: Erestina Gjini
Parent Liaison: Olga Kunyckyj
Volunteer Screening Coordinator: Juliana Trichilo Cina
Sponsorship Coordinator: Mariana Tanase
Squadron Asset Coorindator: Gurpreet Pharr
OPC Squadron Director: Vacant
OPC Regional Director: Stephen Chait

Connie Silva is a revered member of our Sponsoring Committee history. She worked tirelessly for the cadets and always had a positive attitude in tackling any challenges we faced. In memory of Connie’s inspired community leadership the SSC established the annual Connie Silva Award that is given to the cadet who most excels at fundraising activities during the program year.